Online surveys that pay might seem to be a legend, but it is actually quite common for online survey companies to pay real money for people to do a simple task like filling up a survey. Because it is not a new thing for these companies to pay for surveys to be completed, it is definitely a legitimate offer.

As consumers, we give valuable insight to marketing research companies which need to present consumer feedback and information in order to present the level of public awareness that their clients require. As a result, they are able to customize their products to better such different demographics of consumers
Apart from those companies, there are middlemen who try to sell you lists of different survey sites that pay you upon completion of your survey. Looking for good survey sites that pay well can be difficult, but with a good list, it immediately gives you a better idea on which survey sites will pay, and which won't.

Because many people have spent time doing these questionnaires, and even though it ranges from retirees to students, it is important that you seek advice on which company to sign up with. This could save you a lot of time and trouble.

You also might want to try looking into discussion forums that discuss which survey sites are paying well, and which don't. These forums are imperative, as it gives you first hand information on whichever company you are interested in signing up with.

However, the main thing you should be careful about is making sure that you submit your personal information to credible sites, compared to illegitimate sites which are just out to get your information and exploit it.

Once you have settled on a few decent companies to do surveys in exchange for payment, you should cooperate fully and support them by giving them well-answered questions that meet their standards and requirements, especially since they are giving you surveys that pay.


  1. Anonymous Said,

    nice artikel, i want to take it. i wish i can get $$

    Posted on October 27, 2008 at 10:47 PM

  2. Anonymous Said,

    so..I want $$ but stil OOO oh my god

    Posted on October 29, 2008 at 1:21 AM


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