by: Anonymous

Question : I'm a small woman but my thighs are quite fat. This is bothering me. Please help!
Answer : MANY women complain about their fat legs but it may not be too bad as new research suggests that leg fat may actually protect against heart disease. According to a group of researchers in the University of Colorado in the United States, women with excess leg fat, regardless of belly fat, had fewer triglycerides in the blood. However, you should do exercises and have good nutrition to help trim fat throughout your body and tone all over, including your thighs.

You may increase your L-carnitine intake. It is a vitamin-like compound that is crucial for transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria (energy-producing units in cells) where the fatty acids are rapidly burnt and converted into energy. L- carnitine prevents accumulation of fat in various parts of the body, thus reducing excessive body fat.

Reduce high fat foods; choose white meat (poultry without skin, fish), lean cuts of beef, lamb or veal, restrict egg yolk to three per week, take unsaturated fats (choose oil from sunflower, corn, soybean or olive), and choose omega 3 fatty acids (found in seafood and marine oils). Increase your fibre intake and reduce high-sugar foods (simple sugars).

Most importantly increase your physical activities. You can use your own body weight as resistance during lower body exercises, which can be very effective in toning and firming calves, hips, and thighs. You may also do the exercise below.
You will need a stable staircase for this exercise. Stand close to the bottom step and use the handrail for support with your head up, looking straight ahead.
Step onto the first step with one foot. Keeping your weight supported on the front leg without letting your knee come over your toes, bring the other leg up and tap the toes of the back leg on the step and then slowly return to starting position. Repeat while alternating the starting leg until you have completed eight on each leg (one set). Rest for a couple of minutes and then repeat one to two more sets.
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